Friday, June 5, 2009

My Service Learning Journey

My service learning site is the Lake Stevens food bank.I have been volunteering there for the quarter thus far and I've logged about 22 hours.The food bank has humbled me in that I have become more aware of the status of my community. As I've said before , I could be helping a homeless guy with his groceries or a woman with a child to her new escalade with a sack of groceries for her family.It doesnt matter how you dress or what you drive,everyone is being affected by the economy nowdays.I havent built a school or womens shelter but I know that my 2.5 to 3 hours a week has helped the people in my community undoubtably. I feel good about it also,in the beginning of the quarter I wasnt so hip on it but I am good with it now.Greg Mortenson did things on a different scale to what we are, but the fact is it really doesnt take a terrible amount of effort to help out your fellow man.Yes schedules can be very difficult to adjust but if at all possible,when you can make it happen,the a feeling you will get in return is worth it.I have people call me by name now (customers)and I've made a bond with the kids come to the food bank.I do simple things like offer up a nice piece of fruit or maybe an ice cream,or at times we've had little toys to hand out to the kids.It has been a great expierience for me and I am going to continue to volunteer ther as long as they will have me.

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